Rigly Newsletter for Epoch 403
Rigly news for the latest difficulty epoch
We entered the new difficulty epoch yesterday: October 16th, block height 812,448.
Bitcoin network difficulty is now 61.03 trillion (+6.47%)
Today's auctions end in @ 19:50 US/Eastern time

175 TH/s by future difficulty epoch
Start mining after the next difficulty adjustment.
More mining available in epochs 404, 405, and beyond
Platform update

Our hash price calculator is now live
Use it to calculate hash price given a global network hashrate and Tx fee percentage. Calculate a hash price and use it to place a bid.

Active bids now available
You can now view your current auction bids in your account profile.
Do you have 15 mins to chat about Rigly?
Be the first person to reply and we'll give you a day of free hashrate!
Be the first person to reply and we'll give you a day of free hashrate!
Price Updates
- 210 sats/TH/s/day

Network Hashrate
- Network Hashrate: ~452 EH/s

Difficulty Adjustment
- Epoch 400 / September 5 -2.65%
- Epoch 401 / September 19 +5.48%
- Epoch 402 / October 3 +0.35%
- Epoch 403/ October 16 +6.47%
- Epoch 404 prediction at 60.95T (-0.12%) (Source: btc.com)

Transaction Fees
Transaction Fees: 1.49% of block reward

Oct 16th fees were 1.49% of the block reward with a hashprice of 210 sats/TH/s/day
Mining News
September 🍁 PubCo Updates + Weird 🥴Macro Vibes & Sector Layoffs
W40 ’23 | 10.01-10.08.2023 | Issue XLVIII | Block Height 811276

Did Bitcoin Mining Expedite Huawei’s Chip Comeback? - TheMinerMag
Unpacking the Chinese electronics giant’s potential ties with bitcoin mining chip and miner manufacturers.

Happy Tuesday!
Thanks for reading all the way,
Team Rigly