Next Week's Daily Auctions
Bid now on our second week of our new Auction of the Day.
There's only 39 more days to the halving..
39 days of mining with 6.25 btc block reward..
Time is running out to mine new bitcoin and take back your privacy.
Once again, we're running daily auctions for 1 PH/s @ 24 hours everyday of the week.
Get excited because these auctions open at 20% below spot hashprice.
Last Weeks Auctions
Our last week auctions were a proud success. Auctions closed with a hashprice ranging from 168-171 sats/TH/s/day. Customers were able to lock-in hashrate delivery at a price roughly equivalent to market hashrate (165-176 sats/TH/s/day).

Bitcoin Reaches a New All Time High!
The Bitcoin-USD exchange rate has also reached a new ATH yesterday of 70k!

Start Mining for Just 500 sats
Are you still waiting to start your mining journey? Start mining now with our Test Drive for just 500 sats!
Instant Mining
Skip the auctions and buy hashrate at the spot market price.
Happy Saturday!
Thanks for reading all the way,
Team Rigly