Rigly News for Epoch 401 190 TH/s auctions ending tomorrow, new developments at Rigly and other mining news
Rigly - Auction ending today Check out this mining auction ending in 5 hours The current bid is 40% below today's spot hashprice (!) 175 TH/s in the next epoch Bid on this hashrate starting next week in epoch 401. View the auction Happy Thursday, Team Rigly
Rigly Newsletter for Monday August 28th Last week, we entered difficulty epoch 399 with a 6.17% increase in difficulty, bringing the average hashprice down to 231 sats per TH/s/day.
Rigly - New Auctions Posted More auctions with immediate availability are now up for bid, so you can start mining bitcoin right away.
Rigly Newsletter for Monday, August 21 Happy Monday! Here's the latest mining stats and news for August 21st.
Epoch 397: Decreased Difficulty, 800k blocks, Mining Farm Expansion Downward difficulty adjustment of 2.94% 352 blocks after crossing the 800k block mark.
Epoch 396 Entering into epoch 396 with an upward difficulty adjustment of 6.45%, we've got mining stats and the latest mining news!
Miners Want to Sell Their Hash Miners want to sell their hash in a forward as a hedge against hashprice/revenue volatility. Rigly's marketplace allows miners to sell their hash in a forward agreement and focus on optimizing operations.